WRABNESS PARISH COUNCIL meets at the Village Hall, Station Road, Wrabness.
The public are welcome to attend Parish Council Meetings which include a 15 minute public forum session when parishioners are invited to address the Parish Council about items on the agenda or other village matters. Parish Council meetings are scheduled for:
- Wednesday 15th May following the 7.00pm Annual Parish Meeting.
- 7.30pm Wednesday 26th June
- 7.30pm Wednesday 24th July
- 7.30pm Wednesday 4th September
- 7.30pm Wednesday 9th October
- 7.30pm Wednesday 20th November
The Annual Parish Assembly was held at 7.00pm on 13th March 2024.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at 7.00pm on 15th May 2024.
Additional meetings may be held from time to time to discuss consultations with pressing deadlines. Public notice is given of these meetings similarly to scheduled meetings as explained on the Agenda and Minutes page.